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Anti-bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Bullying is repeated aggression, verbal, psychological or physical conducted by an individual or group against others. 

Any person through no fault of their own can be bullied especially those who react in a vulnerable or distressed manner.

It is expected that bullying is a learned behaviour. Bullies tend to display aggressive attitudes combined with a low self-discipline. It can be attention seeking behaviour. They themselves may also have been bullied. They too may have low self-esteem and confidence.


The school wishes to create a positive atmosphere where bullying is unacceptable and where there is a partnership between staff and parents in its prevention through the following aims:


Aims of Bullying Policy

1)   To create a school ethos which encourages children to disclose of bullying behaviour

2)  To raise awareness of bullying as a form of unacceptable with school management, teachers pupils/guardians.

3)  Through supervision and monitoring measures of all areas of the school activity to curb opportunities for bullying

4)  To develop procedures for noting and reporting bullying behaviour.

5)  To develop procedures for investigation and dealing with incidents of bullying behaviour.

6)  To develop a programme of support for those affected by bullying and those involved in bullying behaviour

7)  To work through the various agencies in countering all forms of bullying and anti-social behaviour

8)  To evaluate the effectiveness of the school policy on anti-bullying behaviour.


Types of bullying behaviour

Physical aggression- shoving, pinching

Damage to property- items of property being stolen, defaced, hidden, broken

Extortion- demands for money etc.

Intimidation- very aggressive body language, voice being used as a weapon, abusive phone calls

Isolation- leaving people out etc.


Slagging- constant personal remarks

Bullying of school personnel


Types of teacher bullying behaviour


Humiliating directly and indirectly

Gesture of a threatening nature


Indications of Bullying/ Behaviour

  • Anxiety about travelling to/from school
  • Unwillingness to go to school
  • Deterioration in educational performance
  • Pattern of physical illness
  • Unexplained changes in either mood/ behaviour
  • Visible signs of anxiety or stress
  • Possessions missing
  • Increased requests for money
  • Unexplained bruising
  • Reluctance and refusal to say what is troubling him/her


Procedures for reporting and noting incidents:

1)   All reports of bullying should be noted, investigated and dealt with by the class teacher so those pupils have confidence in telling

2)  Serious cases should be referred or reported promptly to the principal

3)  The principal earlier than later should inform parents

4)  Pupils must understand that reporting is not “telling tales”

5)  Non-teaching staff should be encouraged to report not deal with incidents, discretion is important

6)  Parents should report incidents that they are aware of immediately

7)  In the case of a complaint being made by a member of staff, they should report the complaint to the chairman of the board

8)  Child should be informed if they breach the code of discipline and how they might empathise with the victim


Procedures for investigating and dealing with bullying

1)   Calm unemotional problem-solving approach

2)  Incidents are best investigated outside the classroom situation

3)  Teacher should speak separately to the pupils involved

4)  Answers should be sought to the questions who, what, where, when and how?

5)  All discussions should be recorded

6)  Members of a gang should be met individually and as a group

7)  The members of the gang should be given strategies to deal with the pressures they may experience from the other members

8)  Meet the parents involved if necessary

9)  Severe cases may need counselling


Prevention of Bullying:

1)   Bullying can happen anywhere to anybody. Adherence to the school code and classroom and yard rules as well as to the aims of the policy should help prevent bullying behaviour

2)  Promoting the positive attributes of: Respect, trust, caring, consideration and support should intervene and prevent bullying

3)  School work in many subject areas cover these attributes from R.E., S.P.H.E., Drama etc.

Extra work outside the main curricular areas is also completed: Stay Safe, Circle Time, Walk Tall, North Western Health Board materials , talk and co-operation with the gardai etc.

4)  Fostering home/school/community links will also counter bullying behaviour

5)  Through the school working with other agencies and being aware that bullying does occur

6)  That all partners in the school realise that bullying is unacceptable and should be reported


Evaluation of school policy

a)   Random survey of children

b)  Continuous review of the code of discipline

c)   Observations and discussions of teachers

d)  Evaluations of specific lessons targeting bullying behaviour

Review and Evaluation

This policy has been read and ratified by the staff and all members of the Board of management. Review of this will take place every three years or earlier if necessary.

Signed: Mrs. Walker


         Mrs. Heather Norris

            (Chairperson, Board of Management

Date:   10/12/1/8





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